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         Ecostone Construction, founded in 2013 by Bryan Bergman and John Graf, began with acquiring reclaimed stone from fabricators and repurposing it to create fire-pits, tile floors, landscaping and decorative installations in the southern California areas. The quality of their craftsmanship and work ethic quickly expanded with homeowners and businesses into remodeling, installations and finishing projects.

      In the early part of 2015, Ecostone Construction landed a regional contract, with Load King Manufacturing, to install MacGuffin's bar units in AMC theaters around the southwest states. From there, they have gone on to nationwide contracts for Starbuck's Kiosk installations and Coca-Cola Freestyle installations, all while steadily growing their local residential and commerical projects. Recently, Redcar properties has contracted Ecostone Construction for many of it's commerical renovations around the Los Angeles area.

     Bryan and John have risen to the challenges of this fast-paced rise, and both having families to take care, plan on continuing this success. Look for them on Facebook, Instagram and other social media portals.

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